LederLOS LederLOS in english

<  Forside     <  Lede     <  Lære     <  Organisere     <  Styre     <  Strategi

LederLOS - The Leadership Guide

LederLOS is a leadership guide, a pedagogical guide in unfamiliar fairways for many leaders – with the real problems from the leader’s everyday life in front of them. It is not enough to administer continuance. Standstill is the same as decline. The leader’s main responsibility is to focus on the future – solid founded in the ideas and values the business is based on.

A leader said that if you don’t change your operations 10 % yearly, a revolution will come after 10 years. You must take strategic choices in your business the whole time, continually renew it – sometimes transform it totally to meet new challenges. At the same time you need to develop the way you work together.

LederLOS - What do we do?

LOS-presentation (1 MB)

Animated presentation to show directly or load down – handle with arrow key or scrolling wheel.

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LederLOS: frode@lederlos.no, 901 39 439